Can you say sloth? Layed around and watched basketball all day. Really not motivated to work out still disappointed about one pound last week but determined not to go over bored with food. We were meeting a group for dinner up in frisco at a new place they have been dieing to go to and guess what it is. You guessed it sushi at a place called RA. Now this place is 40 mins from my house has a long wait and is the kind of hipster dofus place I dread. Not to sound like a snob because I am told that Dallas is snobby but this is a whole new level complete with the people that think people are fooled when guys show up in suits like they just came from work on a saturday. I guess they were all stock brokers that are working in European markets:) The women werent much better and I detected that no one was there for the food but a place to be seen. The sushi was average I ll take Blue fish which is about 10 mins from my house every day over this place.
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